Today's the last day of our cow season. I've got mine so yesterday I was out with my 2 partners trying to find them some. The evening before, we spotted several elk at least 1.5 miles away. We couldn't tell what they were at that distance and it was too late to go after them.
The next morning, we were on site. There'd been a skiff of snow and we found fresh tracks. I was leary, though, because they were all too big for cows. We started following them anyway and eventually we spotted them way off. We still couldn't tell what they were. We hiked at least another mile before we saw them again. 7 bulls. That was a wasted hike. At least it's flat land out there and easy walking. Looks like tag soup for my partners.

There are 7 bulls in this photo if you can find them. It's the best I could get with my phone's camera and I wasn't about to hike another mile to get closer. I should have had my DSLR with the long lens but I didn't feel like long distance hiking with it in my pack. I'm sure we could have got within range if they''d been cows. It's not as flat as it looks.

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β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.