Originally Posted by TheKid
Originally Posted by JGRaider
I would love a chance at one of those Oklahoma bulls. Can a NR get a tag?
Yes OTC. Main issue is that season is open on private lands only and you must have written landowner permission with a valid legal description on you at all times. If you can find a place though it can be a fun hunt. The early season is right at the tail end of the rut and they can still be called sometimes and during the late season the bulls are grouped up and you can look over a bunch at once to make your decision.

We get 4 days early and 4 days late seasons for bulls for archery and the 4 days following each archery season are rifle. Cows can be hunted during these seasons as well as the regular deer archery season and rifle season plus the entire month of January.
That would be fun right there!

I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world itself is vexing enough. -- Col. Stonehill