Originally Posted by Judman
I just figured he had a badass chunk of ground he had access to. I don’t get too into most the shiit here, there are sub forums I’ve never even clicked on, don’t read most threads in the main fire etc.

Seems with the www everyone wants to be the best shot, hardest core mountain hunter, shoots the farthest, killed the most elk, passed up the most big bulls/bucks wears out a pair of boots or packs the fasted. Even prior to the www we had Noel feather, Mitch rompola, Kirk darner to name a few. People are funny

It's a 400 yard stroll door to door from house to my fav blind with just a couple of ups & downs in between. If I were willing to go through the woods it would be an almost level stroll and 100 yards shorter, but I'd spook deer and I call that particular set of woods 'tick alley' as I always pull 5-10 off after going through.
All that to shoot dinks which I'm good with.