"There's nothing you can't fix with $700 and a .30-06."

I guess the thread took a turn when I lamented about about the dearth of neighborhood machinists, guys who could perform work on guns, such as making a barrel fit a 99, without having to seek out a specialized gunsmith.

Could be something as simple as having removed mandatory shop class and home-ec from adolescent schooling, and replacing it with God knows what. Instead of teaching kids how to use their hands to forge their world, we're teaching them to live virtually. Accelerated rush toward a utopian future (that may probably be inevitable), at a pace far faster than normal evolution would achieve.

Reliance on the whole, and not the individual, is a recent phenomenon. Our generation is the last one to hold to traditional values - we protested the war and explored libidinous attitudes, etc., but there was an underlying core of values that reflected those held by previous generations, we simply wove and adapted our own generational ideals based on that. That simply doesn't exist today in general and therein lies the disconnect. I'm in constant contact with college students- everything from hipsters, LGBTQ'ers, egg heads, freakozoids, and "normal kids" - and while by and large they're honest individuals, the common refrain I hear is that what's good for society in whole far outweighs individual rights. That's what scares me.

Last edited by gnoahhh; 12/02/22.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty