Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Story doesn’t smell right

It doesn't.

Son of a Bïtch should be gutted for just leaving the dog like that.

In the cul de sac?

Schidtty Slicker done bought 7 acres and is ranching.
Big pack of predictors after his stock and he thows rocks?😂😂😂
Hears a commotion later and goes out in his bunny slippers?
No gun?
Dog kills multiple, disappears. He waits untill after brunch to check?
The he hunts down a non-profit vet? WT?
He has livestock and dogs but he has no vet?

Something smells.
Fishy, Půssy, or Assholę, im not sure.
Maybe all 3.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!