I don’t know much about sheep guard dogs in Georgia, but out here Guard dog puppies are raised with the sheep. Sometimes in the same pen as the bum lambs. They are naturally protective, but like said need to be bonded.

Guard dogs don’t herd sheep, they just go with the sheep and protect them. Sheep herders will usually have herding dogs, border collie types, the guard dogs will tolerate them, but don’t go out there with a strange dog.

Guard dogs frequently get spiked collars. A heavy leather collar with nails or screws pointed out for protection.

Just like any kind of dog they aren’t all good at what they do. Treating a guard dog like a pet is about the surest way to make him bad at his job.

I think once healed up Casper should go back to his sheep.

Last edited by Ralphie; 12/03/22.