Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by efw
He is a boomer dumbass happy to sell MAGA down the river to sell a few books and run a losing campaign on behalf of other neocon losers in the Rep party

Being a boomer has nothing to do with it. He's simply a Rino willing to go along to get along. They come in all ages, sizes and colors.

Wake TF up.

Boomer isn’t just a designation of age/generation. All in the boomer generation aren’t boomers in the mindset sense of which I speak so don’t be defensive.

Boomer mindset fails to get with the program and recognize that “the way things used to be” with civility & politeness must be sacrificed… and that it largely was an illusion.

In that sense Greg you’re no boomer.

But yes, the fact he is a boomer has a lot to do with it.