Maybe a clear definition of "boomer" with negative connotation would be helpful.

I'm a part of that generation and believe it or not many of us are just as dismayed at the current state of affairs as anyone else. Consider the fact that those who endured the depression and fought WWII brought up the baby boom generation. I can understand their desire to shield their offspring from things like those events and many coddled their kids to excess, not realizing the ramifications. In further defense of my generation, we fought in Vietnam and were betrayed for it, and we did win the Cold War (only to see the fruit of that victory wither and evaporate).

I make NO apologies for the "progressive" segment of the baby boom generation or any other since.

I really hate to see us divided over these generational squabbles. It weakens us and sows even more seeds of destruction while offering nothing constructive. Let it stop.

Don't be the darkness.

America will perish while those who should be standing guard are satisfying their lusts.