I went down this rabbithole, deeper than makes sense some years ago. For just sporting rifle scope evaluation, I think the 1951 USAF is as good as any. I did discover that you don't want to print it on anything more reflective than flat white recycled paper. Another thing I 'discovered'...the most repeatable results occurred when I placed the target at optimum parallax distance (?). When I evaluated 2 scopes that seemed of equal resolution, another thing I 'discovered', was that the front page of a newspaper with varying print sizes, placed at optimum parallax distance was a good tie breaker. There is a chart, made up of radial bars in the general shape of an Iron Cross, and it creates so much eyestrain that I would get a splitting headache in 3 minutes or less. I never had any real high end optics to test, but I was amazed to discover that old brand name and Jap optics of the 1970's were not all that bad, at least in the one category of clarity in good light.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.