I've been a gun guy for 30+ years. I tinkered with, bought and traded, modified, repaired, read and thought about, and fell in love with them. My friends and family all new me to have a great passion for firearms. I loved steering conversion in that direction whenever I got the chance and folks would often ask my advice. I loved being the "Gun Guy." It had become part of my identity. Big problem.
I'm not saying that guns and God are incompatible. I am saying that idols and God are incompatible. It all came to a screeching halt recently. I was wrestling with God a few months ago and asked him how I could show him love. The answer came pretty clearly and almost immediately after just a short time in prayer. "If you love me you will keep my commandments" he says (John 14:15). One of those commandments is to have no other gods before him (Exodus 19:3). I asked him "Lord do I have idols that are getting in the way?" I then asked if my guns were an idol and immediately I knew the answer. The spirit convicted me right there and I reflected on all the years I had spent focused on these inanimate objects and how I had wasted so much energy on them which I could have spent getting to know my Heavenly Father better. I had allowed the blessing to become a curse. I had wasted opportunities to witness for him. I had wasted years. I was instantly remorseful. But was it guilt over slighting God or mourning over the fact that I might have to give up something precious to me? If I'm being honest I fear that it was mostly the latter. I wrestled with God for the rest of the day and did not sleep well that night. I had a sick feeling in my stomach and broke out into sweats. I tried to negotiate with God and then went through all the stages of grieving. And then it hit me; I was a gun junkie and an addict. It was the same symptoms, albeit much less severe, that a drug addict has when they are withdrawing. So right then and there I was shaken from my stupor and told God that I would give up my guns if that's what he wanted me to do. And that's what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to be a God guy instead of the "Gun Guy" that I was known for. So over these last few months I have sold or given away everything I have. I'm down to a 10/22 that I traded for which I plan to keep for the kids. It certainly is not idol worthy. But I still must guard my heart. We're not to love the world or the things in it (1John 2:15) but we are to keep ourselves from idols (1 John 5:21). I want it to be a testimony to my kids and my family and friends that God is serious about the hearts of his children. He wants us to give up the things that have become more precious than him. It has shocked some folks. God has used this situation a number of times for me to share the Gospel. He is also used it to show me other areas in my life that are not pleasing to him. It hasn't been easy. But that is fodder for another posting another day.
That's some of my journey so far. I'm not telling anyone to give up their guns. I am saying ask the Lord to show you any potential idols in your heart and then do everything that you can to get rid of them. You might not like what you hear but it is far better to not like what you hear on this side of heaven than to hear in the end "I never knew you; depart from me."
If you don't have a relationship with the Lord I encourage you to seek him. Seek him while he may be found. Time is running short and he will come again. His second coming will not be as gentle and sweet like his first. He says believe, repent, be baptized, receive the Spirit and go live for him.
I hope the Lord can use my little revelation to minister to you. Blessings to you.