Boggy Creek Ranger
Campfire Ranger
From Leon County Texas
Join Date 01/27/01
Last Seen 12/23/16
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Well Jeff and to all my old and newer friends a sincere wish for a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

I'm now just starting my fifth year of battling this devil of cancer and so they tell me I'm doing amazingly well, considering.

One thing this stuff does is force you to re-evaluate your dreams and goals, I reckon that is good.

You discover what is really important and what isn't. I've found out things don't matter, people do. Cherish what ever good memories and relationships you have. That's all that really matters in the end so let the rest slide.

They say you are never really gone until no body remembers your name any more. So, friends and neighbors, with a warm and friendly embrace remember me as I do you.

All the best in life to you all.


"The 375HH is the greatest level of power you can get for the investment in recoil." (JJHack)
79s and losttrail, biggest waste of air.