Don't believe that I said you were against the troops and that you should arm yourself and fight them. More like a political attack on those you think are enforcing the wrong policy. Think you're reading a different meaning than the one I wrote. Maybe it was too subtle for you.

Gee I don't know Skid, did I ? Here's what you said

If you are that opposed to what our soldiers are doing then why don't you go over there and attack them yourself?

To continue to try to have a dialog with someone in such an emotional state as that they can not recall what they said would be futile. Also, for me to continue to allow a person in such a state to vent their hostilities upon me would be ridiculas.

Show me any reference to arming yourself and/or bearing arms against our soldiers in the original post or anything I have written since then. While I could have worded it better so as to spell out to you that what I was discussing was a symbolic attack I gave you credit for being intelligent enough to figure out something I think you are deliberately misunderstanding.

Even though apparently the grenade thing is no big deal to you anymore(?)
Forget about it.

I didn't say that it wasn't a big deal to ME. I told YOU to forget about it. Again a deliberate misunderstanding on your part.

Therefore, on one thing I guess we can agree. To end this dialog.

Apparently not. You had to make another post. Lose the spin and the agenda RAM. If your argument has merit use it. If not cut your losses and move on.

Go tell the Spartans,Travelers passing by,That here,Obedient to their laws we lie.

I'm older now but I'm still runnin' against the wind