BSA! You mean you can't switch hands without missing a stroke! smile smile smile Need practice, practice, practice.... Just bit of a sticky wicket in the learning curve! That Swwede Target - is it a Model 41 reflecting 'root' Model 96 military based! Nice rifle and appears beautiful stock! That's not a dog! You're a lucky dog! Big difference!

Mr G, that postwar zoot suit Weatherby reflected Roy's earliest marks as getting serious beyond wildcat rifle builder! He'd arrived with a bang! Latter fifties era, I was in Weatherby's shop on Firestone Blvd as I recall, in Southgate (LA burb) Ca. Walk in & bought a FN based Sako 98 & had it rechambered to 300 WM! Had it stocked by Bishop in Mo. Yet with it and a 'pretty gun, but like yours, the stock architecture outdated! Never appreciated "big butts", guns or 'otherwise! smile

Thso, some of these rifles tend to get to especially creative pieces themselves! Usual problem when you go to replace parts and find yourself gazing at a 'no way' off the shelf component. At least none; such known since the Edsel Auto!

Mr. B, in conjuring the Moisn, feel I'm a visitor on a friendly planet. So much to know and nuances aplenty! My sole specimen a Type 44 Carbine from Big Five Sporting Goods for $00. Completely refurbed and looking good. Don't have & never had any ammo. From what I undertand they're great battle rifles!

My big thing, holding a rifle in my hands that was likely somebody's 'Baby'. Just as someday somebody as holding mine! As my stewardship expired!
So if you think your relationship with 'closet guns' is weird.... Think I'm 'point=set'!

Thanks again to ALL!
Happy New Years!