Originally Posted by pete53
great video , hope you all do well trapping more dead wolves is good to see ! these dang liberals want to protect these killers , if these liberals lived where wolves are they would not feel there liberal ways to save wolves . > wolves here in Minnesota we shot ,trapped and poisoned wolves for 100 years and could never get rid of these wolves and now in Minnesota wolves are protected what a joke !

All truth there, or I should say here. If you recall back around”13” when we had a couple of years of wolf season in Minnesota the hunters did not fare well in shooting them but when they turned the trappers loose the quota was filled quickly.

I do not think they are overly hard to trap, however here in Minnesota and I’m sure the other states deep snows make it tougher. Stringing cable makes it less work and is more efficient.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.