Time to start hoarding gas kitchen ranges, boys. They is gonna ban them, in the name of climate change, greenhouse gas and home pollution. Heavy on the last, and "helping the poor."

Emphaziing the last two as more palatable than the old worn out crap on climate change. I don't know about you- but ironically, nearly all if not all of my electricity comes fro NG powered plants. And off- the grid places don't have electricity- so I burn wood and use propane.

Oh, those evil hydrocarbons!

Oh yeah, they are out to "help the low-income people", because they (according to them) mostly use gas because its' cheaper than electric, and offering $600 help to buy an electric range.

You can't make this chit up!

Last edited by las; 01/10/23.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.