Originally Posted by STRSWilson
I never had much luck getting great accuracy out of a break barrel rifle. I did eat two Tasco scopes trying as springers are hard on them. So you might be throwing good money after bad.

I held off on PCP rifles due to relatively high startup costs, but once I bit the bullet I will never use anything else for small varmint control. The only unfortunate thing is after almost 100 squirrels and 30 chipmunks last year, I've run out of targets. Hoping Spring brings new opportunities.

I’ve had a cheap no name brand scope on my springer forever and, well, it’s been on forever and still functions as it should. Use cheap scopes, throw them away if they get shaken loose.

My springers have taken a back seat to PCP now. About the only comparison between the two is they both shoot pellets. :-)