Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by tophorsecop
Hell YES, the sooner the better...FLAT TAX...should take about 15-18% to fund the government...paid at the point of sale...no more payroll withholding for IRS...of course you still have the social security withholding...and most states/municipalities are around 8% sales tax, so about 25% tax rate on purchases...but no 36% income tax...almost everyone has skin in the game...those at the very bottom...paycheck-to-paycheck as you put it...some calculated number that equals the 15-18% of the poverty level spending, 1.5 times the poverty level spending, 2X the poverty level spending...congress sets the number...about the only number they set...all other deductions go away...that "poverty level adjustment number" gets sent in the form of a direct payment to the address on your voter ID card...move and don't change your voter ID address...sorry your check can't find you !
I don't think it would take more than 10%, possibly 12%, if every person paid on every purchase.

No exclusions for those under the poverty line. (Less reason for them to vote liberal, if they have skin in the game.

No exclusion for used autos or other personal property purchased second hand.

No enhanced tax rate for "luxery items".

No tax on savings or investments. It is a SALES tax.

Yes, it is a national sales tax. I believe the authors concluded it would have to be around 20% to fund government which is significantly lower than what we are all paying now

Unfair to the poor, that's the drum they will beat.

What if Jessie's girl is Stacy's mom, and her phone number is 867-5309