Here is one for you, True story!

I was working in Toronto Canada back in the late 70's.

So I meet this gal and started dating her. After a few dates I noticed that something was off with her but I could not put my finger on it. She was very attractive, well kept, intelligent, she basically had a lot going for herself. Except she was not into sex and was pretty standoffish, when I tried to get her to go along with the "Normal Program".

So I am sitting in my office one morning reading the paper and on the front page there was an article about a court case that was about to start. The heading of the article "Woman That Beat Her Husband to Death Goes To Trial"

As I read further I noticed that the woman had the same last name as the gal I was dating, so obviously I continued reading with great interest! The woman beat her husband to death with a baseball bat while he was sleeping. After she beat him to death she called the police and when they got there she admitted to killing her husband herself.

When questioned as to why she murdered him she calmly told the police that she beat him to death because he was forcing her to have sex in the Doggy Style position and that she thought it was disgusting, and he was treating her like a farm animal.

So after reading the article the first thing I did obviously, was to call the gal and asked her if the woman in the paper that had the same last name as her was any relation to her. She said "Yes that is my mother".

I ended the relationship that week, very diplomatically, without seeing her again.


Last edited by KillerBee; 02/06/23.