Originally Posted by MOGC
First, those holsters are all beautiful works of art, congratulations on owning such classy rigs. Next, Mac I'm surprised to see that 1911 with the hammer down and not cocked and locked?

The gun is completely empty.

It was a cold range, which means unless you are the competitor who is shooting next, and have been given the command to load and make ready for your run, all guns must be unloaded.

At the end of a run, you are given a command to show an empty gun, then put the slide forward, hammer down, and holster your weapon. That is where it must remain until you are up next. smile

Just don't tell any of that to our resident self appointed SME who has made it his own crusade to teach the world about the dangers of anything but "his way"... LOL.


The Tikka T3 in .308 Winchester is the Glock 19 of the rifle world.

The website is up and running!
