I've still got to say Jim Goad.


He proclaimed, “We are a good people, the only nation in the world built on an idea.” And that’s the problem: Americans are no longer a people. They’re countless different peoples tethered together by the untested idea that this experiment will work, despite the lack of historical precedent of it ever working.

His entire speech was an exercise in futility and impotence. I would have preferred if he’d just walked out to the podium, said, “We’re [bleep],” and then walked away. It would have been more honest.

Throughout the speech, he kept returning to the idea that Americans need to “finish the job.”

Sorry, but the job is already finished.

Abe Lincoln famously warned that a house divided against itself cannot stand. But modern America is far more complicated and unmanageable than a house: It’s a giant low-rent chain motel with 300 rooms divided against one another. It’s not a country anymore; it’s an extortion enterprise. The US is basically a corporate entity with taxing power over 330 million people trapped under the same massive surveillance system. It is more fractured in every imaginable cultural way than at any time in history.