Quote//"On my way back to grandpa and the truck I slowly approached the site of my first cottontail kill hoping to see a coyote or bobcat eating it. I crawled over the little rise to peek into the small wash where the dead rabbit was and I couldn’t believe my 12 year old eyes….there were 3 cottontails eating their buddy. I threw my rifle up and set the iron site on one of the little cannibals and it looked up at me with a bloody face…the 3 rabbits looked demonic with the blood of their fallen comrade staining their cute cuddly furry little faces. I killed 1 of the demon cannibals and kept returning to the site hoping for something bigger but that was it. I never worried about them screaming ever again after that surprisingly gruesome encounter…😂"

I never knew chickens were cannibals either until I built a coop. I put a group of pullets in with the existing flock - one had a bum leg. Within a couple of hours they had killed it and stripped the carcass. No head and had gutted it and eaten the entrails. Kinda freaked me out...