Every place in the state I've ever hunted has
had poaching and some vandalism.
It's not noticed in the west and far south for
whatever reason, but it happens. If you're not
there all the time to catch em, they'll be trespassing
and doing whatever they want when you leave.
In east Texas, it's almost always the neighbors
and/or their kids. They watch you come and go
and know if you're coming back right away or not.
A good many have an entitlement attitude that
comes from the early statehood days when
people could go wherever they wanted and do
whatever they wanted to whenever they wanted
to. There's really no way to stop it if you're not
on site full time. Hunting the south is more scary
to me with all the border jumpers and possible
zetas running willy nilly all over the place.
One of the places around freer had a tall razor
wire topped security fence enclosure for the
"campsite " where the RV'S and vehicles were
parked that was locked every night to prevent any
robbery or worse. When you went to your blind,
you had to do a semi tactical entry in case there
were any border jumpers asleep inside. It
wasn't nothing to see some trying to slip by
during the day while sitting in the blind. The
La Migra trucks and agents were a common sight