Originally Posted by NDGuy
Hmm why can’t I post pictures? 93kb is tiny as hell for uploading how are you guys putting whole pics in the post?

It will take me longer to type the below method than it is to actually do it. NO need to resize anything or upload any images directly to this forum

1. upload it to a 3rd party server, the easiest is https://postimages.org/

2. Click on 'choose images' on that page.

3. choose the image from your device (computer, phone, tablet, whatever you're using)

4. let it upload, be patient, it will get to 100%, then say 'completed' After it is 'completed', a half dozen or so links will show at the bottom

5.click the button to the right of 'hotlink for forums' to copy the image address

6. paste it in a thread here