Been shooting traditional for the past 15 years. Before that I had a mathews switchback. That bow was absolute death. Smoth, fast enough, forgiving, even shot it with fingers and a bodoodle rest and a 1 pin Tru glo site. Loved that bow. I shot one more buck with it over 150 and put it up, actually sold it and went strictly traditional. Shot several does and a few decent bucks with my black widow kbx, but haven't closed the deal on a big one yet. Anyways I remember my first bow. It was a browning nomad with a 3 pin cobra site and a flipper stick on rest. Pulled 40 pounds. Shot the old true flight arowws and zwicky 125s. Looking back, I'm surprised how effective that bow was. They just keep reinventing the wheel with all this hunting stuff. Stick to what you like. The old pse thunderbolt and mathews q2s and switchback was a revolution in my book, since then its just more money in my opinion.