Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by KillerBee
We have every right to know, sucks that inferior-thinking people restrict the info we are entitled to know!

In a Universe with billions of planets that circle the habitable Goldilocks zone of their respective Suns, only an idiot would think Earth has the only intelligent life form.

I'll bet there are thousands of civilizations in our universe that are way more advanced then us Humans. Not to mention that there are infinite Universes.

I am sure that millions of intelligent life forms have evolved across our universe and gone extinct again. There will be millions more come and go before the universe goes cold and lifeless. The question becomes, how many other intelligent species exist now? And how many of them could cross the breadth of interstellar space before their species becomes extinct again.

Humans have only existed on this rock as a semi-intelligent species for less than 20,000 years. We only invented airplanes 120 years ago.

I really do not believe our species will survive long enough to see completion of a journey which takes 1000 generations to complete. Nor do I believe any other species has, and certainly not coincidentally in the same moment of geological time as us.

Kind of like "Bigfoot" someone would have found some hair, or scat, or something tangible as evidence.
