Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by irfubar
The division we are experiencing on the campfire is not an accident, it's by design. The powers that be want us divided and fighting among ourselves.
It gives them cover for the grifting the current crop of marxist are engaging in.

Is it by design, or is it "journalism" trying to maximize clicks, and therefore profit in the age of "Post Jouranlism"

Post Journalism:

The press lost it's monopoly on news when the internet democratized information. To save it's business model it pivoted from journalism to tribalism. The new roll of The Press is not to inform it's readers but to confirm what they already believe.

The discussion of this begins as 46 minutes:

Years ago Rush used to play a montage of press clips... remember when the press claimed GWB had no gravitas? and yes they all used the exact same phrase... they do it over and over... so tell me they aren't controlled and told what to say....
How old are you? you seem incredibly out of touch and incapable of learning... old dog new trick thing going on with you"

They're not controlled, they're lazy. What's easier, writing an original story, or copying from the AP? As staff for the news rooms get cut but the deadlines stay the same, the incentives are for less original writing and more cut and paste. Today "original reporting" is cutting and pasting from Twitter.

Just as importantly, most "journalist" are cowards. If you write something original at it ruffles some feathers, or flops, that's your fault. Copy from the AP, and you're just part of the crowd.

Same effect but with no grand conspiracy's required.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell