Ask a few young adults about texting and driving……no matter how many accidents they’ve had.

They’d go light on elk hunting cartridges….betcha.

Professionally, how many times should someone be allowed to make the same mistake? Always amazed the below-average never consider root cause or any preventative/corrective actions.

Meds, meds, meds. I took a Tylenol on Tuesday. I think it's wearing off......

Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
I'm just an outside observer that would never claim to be a buzz fan but.......

Are you actually mental? I can't tell if you're trying (emphasis on trying) to be funny or just off your meds.

"Those that think they know everything are annoying those of us that have Google." - Dr. D. Edward Wilkinson

Note to self: Never ask an old Fogey how he is doing today.
Revised note to self: Keep it short when someone asks how I am doing.