I have taken a break, or maybe left the coondog world and entered the lab/retriever world.

My pup just turned 16 weeks and is from a long line of titled dogs.

I intend to, and have been training him for shed antlers.

His natural ability and drive is just ridiculous. I can't get over at how hot wired he is. Simple stuff like his attentiveness...he's always watching my hands and looking at me when he wants to know what to do. Weird stuff....like when he was 8 weeks old and geese flocks were still flying over. He'd sit and watch them. He heard all sorts of noises by then and didn't act like that..how's he know what a goose is and that he is bred to retrieve them?! His nose is unbelievable. Incredibly smart.

I don't know what to expect.....he's making me feel real bad about now being a bird/waterfowl hunter.

He swims like an otter and makes water retrieves. He has tries relentlessly to get himself a Robin. He snatches moths out of the air like Noone business.

He's a heck of a little dog....I really expected it to be much harder. He's doing stuff right now that I probably shouldn't be doing with him but I keep building off his training. He aughta be teething soon so I'll take a break from retrieving stuff and hammer more obeisance, manners and steadiness. He heels on a leash nicely. Sits and lays...I didn't formerly place train him but he knows kennel and bed....doesn't make a peep or a mess in the kennel...show him something once and boom He's doing it.

Yes He's 16 weeks...he's not perfect. And he's starting to become a little less obedient when he doesn't want to be...but I can already tell he's not gunna go off the deep end like a lot of dogs do when they hit the "teenage" phase. He WANTS me to tell him he's a good boy.

Really enjoying him. I always loved the pup training aspect of my previous coondogs and house dogs but it's short lived. I have a feeling with him, I'll continue retrieving drills and progress him as far as I can just because it's fun and he enjoys the heck out of it...and so do I.

First and foremost I wanted a best buddy that's a great house dog and I can take with me wherever I go. And he's winning at that too.