Good day everyone,

So, after 40 years of continuous active duty ends my terminal leave. I am officially on the retired rolls tomorrow. Enlisted in 82, made chief in 95, was commissioned an ensign in 98 and retired as an O6. It's been an honor to serve alongside the youth of America during every decade that I served.

Despite the meme's online, your military is a representation of society, the good and bad. For the most part, you have people who go well beyond expectations doing what is right for the Nation. We've had good times in bad places, and bad times too. You really gain a close family when in the service, that is loyal and honorable.

For those that are still active, stay motivated, the retirement seems awesome so far...everyday is Saturday, and I wake up now at 0430...because I want to walk the dog and spend quality time with her...not because the alarm clock is mocking me to get up...I no longer set an alarm.
