I think the Dems need to get rid of Biden because he truly seems to be fading mentally at a fairly-rapid pace. At some point, he no longer can act as President or campaign therefor. If he continues to decline over the next 15 months, he just won't get reelected no matter who is running against him. He also has lurched so far to the left from what he tried to seem in 2020.

If he's replaced by Kamala, they're also in trouble because I just don't think she's electable. But, if they cast her aside, they're potentially going to alienate a decent percentage of black voters, who might just stay home even if they don't vote GOP.

Newsome is just too far left to win the general election, IMO.

Who else is there?

Dems are in a real pickle. Not sure how they can resolve all of these issues and come out on top.