Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Don't worry, Jag and Jim will be along shortly to connect the dots.

I'll present the GENERAL CONCEPT.

Maritime Law is also known as Common Law or Admiralty Law and derived iirc from the common law of the sea. It is essentially a form of Military Law.

Our nation's first Law was Military Law as Washington's Military law was all that ruled in the Revolution as the US had thrown off King George's Law.

I think that it was due to the realization of some of the danger of a Manchurian Candidate or overthrow of the Govt from within or some other catastrophic national event or coup where the Congress, Courts and Executive branch were taken over, blackmailed or bought off, the Military and its Law would rule until the problems were restored as the Constitution set forth.

Investigators from several segments of society examined the Military laws of other nations, common law and Nuremberg code and took the best points and developed the Dept of Defense Law of War Manual.

It's no coincidence that it was only accepted 4 days before Trump decide he would therefore accept the Military offer to spearhead the attempt to save the nation from traitorus forces that had infiltrated the US and subverted the Constitution. Then Trump and Melania came down the Escalator and announced.

This started in 1871 with the Corporate Act of 1871 where all rights and privileges of US citizens as free people were sold out to the Crown and Vatican.

For instance we became incorporated with the Corporate seal of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Our constitution had been The Constitution FOR the United States ( I've gotten this backward even recently) and became legally on paper The Constitution of The United States.

Ex. Our Constitution allows no taxation of the people by the government and we are returning to that soon under Trump and the (Military) Patriots.

Our Constitution requires our money backed by gold and silver and our currency is suppose to be US Gold or Silver Certificates. It's not. Its Vatican Crown currency or Federal Reserve Notes, instruments of debt.

Trump has dethroned the illegal Federal Reserve Banks and returned the minting of money to the US Treasury as required in the Constitution.

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled we have 2 sets of laws, one Federal and the other Military.

On Sept 12, 2018 Trump issued EO 13848 to save our nation from the infiltrated government and Manchurian Candidates and illegal use of illegal voting systems which the military had to block for him to be elected. He switched the US to Maritime Law and Ferealized the National Guard.

That's why the official US flags went from having no gold fringe to having a gold fringe.

We are under a form of Martial Law at present with the military not acting against the deep state coup players publicly for a while in order for the people to realize that the Leftist pukes, rinos and traitors have no care or concern for the welfare of the country or its people in order for the people to support the military when it does make its move to round up the masses of traitors in business and government to reduce the amount of revolutionary acts civilians may resort to.
That is why Trump and the Patriots are educating the Stockholm Syndrome snowflakes to the Subversion they have been brainwashed to accept and slave under, such as deep state controlled MSM Fake Nues, treasonous 3 letter agencies, dual justice system, voter fraud and election thet and now Election Interference.

This is why Q said, the Military is the only way forward.

They are why Trump said, "When the people learn the Truth, they will support what WE do.

The truth is being revealed slowly to let the people see and realize the truth by themselves and without being told. That's why Q said they have to see it for themselves rather than be told.

They wouldn't believe it if told because as Q said, The people can not swallow swallow the truth.

That's pretty obvious from the reaction of many on the Fire when told the truth. Tbey can't handle it and attack the messengers.

It's amazing the number of Fire guys who say they support Trump but poo-poo Derek Johnson and Dr Jan Halper-Hayes. ZWTH, Trump brought them both to the limelight by Retruthing their posts. Connect the Dots after a while.

Law Of War Manual step 11.3 has been met. Trumps kiss of death was when he wished King Charles and wife a long happy reign. As Q said, Queen goes down before King.

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Well RAM, jag confirms we are under martial law.

If that gobbledygook isn’t convincing; you might be living in reality.