Hi guys,
It's been many many years since I have shot a bow (used to shoot low-tech recurves in high school), and now I am getting the bug to put some hunting time with bow and arrow.
I was able to get a doe a couple years back with a crossbow, and I learn a ton while hunting with it.
Even though it is challenging, I prefer the thought of actually hunting with a compound.
That being said, it would be for hogs, and maybe whitetails (likely not this season, unless late in the season, due to untested and unknown proficiency)

I know that I would need to shoot some prior to buying one, but I'd like to know what to look for and what questions to ask for when walking into an archery store.
As far as brands and cost, nothing ultrafast or light needed, as it would be an initial bow (not opposed to buying new old stock), is it safe to buy used even if unknown user? (ie damage to limbs?)

From my research here reading posts and checking inventories, seems like $400-500 can get someone started fairly decently for my purposes. PSE, Bear, Xpedition Archery
Hoyt and Mathews are way out of my price range, and I don't think I would be able to extricate in performance the difference in price.
So, the floor is open, looking forward to reading your input