Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
As long as the gooberment has been trying to restrict our access to guns and ammunition, I have a hard time buying this “shooter induced” shortage stuff.
The bottom line is that they don’t want us to be able to defend ourselves from them!
Both parties seek a docile population that does what they’re told to do. They don’t want people thinking for themselves. They do everything they can to control the situation, censor those who speak out about what is being done, and control your life and your money.
They want a population that does what they’re told to do, and continues to pay the taxes and follow all the rules. This explains the open borders and the flood of immigrants.
You are being replaced with a more docile species!
I have said it before. They’re not afraid of guns! They’re surrounded by guns in the hands of those who are payed to enforce their laws and collect the money which they decide you should pay.
They’re afraid of you! If you believe things like “Glowbull Warming”, climate change is made up, and if you believe maybe they control elections, YOU ARE A DANGER TO THEM!
Governments left unchecked will always take on a life of their own, and other than 4 years under Trump, our government has gone unchecked for decades.

Gun restrictions are repeatedly being struck down in court. So the logical way to restrict them is through ammo accessibility. Lead bans, taxes, "diverting" components to "government use" in other countries, etc.