My Wife and I have been talking about this exact thing. She made some good points about buying gold and silver. What happens when the [bleep] hits the fan? People will want food, water, guns, ammo, ALCOHOL, medical supplies, propane, batteries etc etc. As an example in the Book of ELI with Denzel Washington he needed a charge for his battery.

I understand this is EXTREME but in a TRUE SHTF situation.Gold and silver will get you something but who knows what?
I believe it was Joseph in the Old Testament of the Bible when the famine started he took all the peoples money for food, then when the money was gone he took their animals when that was all taken it was their land. Anything to keep themselves ALIVE. I don't believe GOLD and precious metals will be all that important in an TEOTWAWKI situation.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely