Originally Posted by RockyRaab
I think that the state's professional game biologists probably know more about managing wildlife than the tree huggers.

Like tikka, I may have seen only one in 38 years here. But I did see one's tracks superimposed on my outgoing footprints returning from a hike not a half mile from my house once. Made me a wee bit vigilant, I assure you.

No idea how Utah's Deer and Fish people operate.

In PA anymore, and other states, the biologists study and make recommendations based of the health of the herd.

A bureauocrats/politicians consider those reports, along with
special interest concerns, revenue, political considerations.....

I occasionally visit with a Game Biologist, and hear the frustrating stories. How they travel the state researching the animal then write reports with recommendations, only to have the rules not reflect one bit of their work.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!