I have had an Oehler 35, a pro chrony, still have a lab radar and magneto speed V3, purchased the Garmin out of interest and promised ease of set up. Out of them all, I used to use the MS V3 the most due to ease of set up, until the garmin came along. I have fired probably 700 or more rounds over it in the last 6 weeks, 17 caliber to 30 caliber, 22 lr, crossbow, sling shot, muzzle loader and pistols from 22lr to 480 ruger, it missed all of 2 shots from the muzzle loader. Why? because the speed was set to 1700fps or less and after 2 shots not registering, I put it on the 1700-5000 fps setting and it read every one just fine since, they were going over 1900 fps. I have placed it beside and under barrels, outside of the 5-15 inch range they suggest. Fired over it in weather from 20-70 degrees and in fog and rain. Never skips a beat. I don't mind the app for what it is, gives high/low/average and SD/ES. I don't shoot competitively and need to correct down range velocity beyond 100 yds to correct BC, but if I did I kept my lab radar and can do that. I'm hopeful as new versions come out, and over the air software updates are done with tens of thousands of reports coming inform it, garmin will continue to make it better, but that's little stuff. Correlating FPS values from the lab radar, MS V3 and Garmin have been very very close, usually between 1-5 fps for each of them. I will give them kudos, so far, for me, it is a better mouse trap.

Enough already, just shoot it!