Originally Posted by RL KURTZ
Rob what lens do you use the most for wildlife? Been thinking of getting a new lens what would u recommend?
My set up is.
5D & 20D
24-70mm 2.8
50mm 1.4
70-200m 2.8

Thanks randy..

Hi Randy. You've some great equipment there, definitely good to go for professional landscapes.

For all my wildlife images I mostly use my 500/4L-IS. Also, I try to always have the 300/2.8L-IS slung over my shoulder on a second body for when the subject gets closer.

I suppose it depends on what you want to spend, and how serious you are about getting pro quality wildlife images.

Reach is key. You'll want something in the 400-600mm range. I have to recommend the 500/4L-IS if money is not a controlling issue, it'll cost you around $5500.00. I only bring this up because you have a pro kit so far so it looks to me like you're very serious about getting the best images of your ability.

If you'd like to keep it more modest, you really have only one choice IMO. The 400mm/5.6L. This lens is as sharp as Canon's big boys, of course not as fast and without stabilization. This isn't a huge disadvantage, you just have to keep shutter speeds up there a bit higher.

Just a note, I ruled out the 100-400 simply because you already have a great mid-tele zoom, and the 400mm prime blows it away for image quality and sharpness at 400mm. Many people consider this prime a true bargain in the Canon line.

How's that sound?