Originally Posted by JGRaider
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by jdollar
The virus is now ubiquitous and will remain so forever. It isn’t going away. The days of worrying about travelers spreading it are gone. All one can do now if you want to travel outside the US is follow the rules, whether it is vax or testing prior to arrival. Right now you must have a negative Covid test to re-enter the US but that regulation is expected to be lifted in the near future. Brother Raider believes the vax does no good and is dangerous. Check the graphs in the link, especially the US graph. The evidence speaks for itself.


You can’t fix stupid.
And you can have a medical education and still be stupid. Stupid enough to believe stats put out by folks with big time motive to lie.

The guys' a coward Hastings. You'll never get an answer out of this loser.

And who the hell cares? There is no mandatory Covid testing required at OR Tambo airport.

The South African population is rife with extremely high levels of TB and HIV/AIDS, yet there has been no mass die off from Covid. You would think that a population that is weakened by these deadly diseases would have have had hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Covid deaths. Didn't happen.