Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by Cecil56
Does anyone have one for yourself or loved ones? I'm to the point that I would feel better having one.
About 6 months or so ago I fell and could not even crawl or get up. Thankfully I was on the phone with
a friend and she called my Daughter. I have zero knowledge on them. Will also ask my Daughter, who is a RN.
Got one for my wife a few months ago, after I tried to call her for a few hours and she never answered... I was in the chopper and couldn't leave. Called my son who drove over quick and found her on the floor. She'd been there for about 8 hours and couldn't get to her phone..

Needless to say, after she got home from the hospital I got her a med-alert pendant with 'fall' capability..
She called my Daughter, who was out of town at the time. Got here the next morning. I was still laying on the floor and had pissed myself. Daughter got me cleaned up and called 911 for a hospital trip. How humiliating. Thank God Daughter is a RN and has seen that [bleep] before. Would probably be dead if not talking with my friend when it happened.