Originally Posted by kwg020
I shower every night before I go to bed. I haven't shaved in over a year. My wife hates it. I love it. I get my hair cut once a month and I do my nails about every 10 days. My teeth get brushed at least twice a day. I like clean clothes but I don't mind wearing my outside stuff for a couple of days, except for my undies. They have to be clean in case I have to go to the hospital (what my mom used to say)

Why is it that a shirt gets dirty in a day but pants don't get dirty for 2 weeks?

Years ago I knew of a local rancher who always wore 2 pair of Levi jeans, one over the other. When the outer pair rotted off, he'd toss them and the inner pair became the outer pair. I was told that he never washed them, just replaced them.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.