I am normally NOT critical of weathermen as for the most part they do a pretty good job - and I partake of a lot of outdoor activities that are dependent on the "the weather".
I often don't criticize their missing the "temperature" predictions that they make.
But, yesterday, at least three different weather folks missed the temperature predictions they made for today by a long ways!
The weatherfolks I saw during the day yesterday all predicted a low of -26 degrees (twenty six degrees below zero!) as a low for today here.
Alas when I woke up this morning the "official" temperature was 13 (thirteen) degrees COLDER than predicted and was at -39 (thirty nine degrees below zero!) when I arose - I have NO idea what the real low temperature was but I do know the weatherfolks missed their prediction by a significant amount.
Probably not much to do different from -26 degrees to -39 degrees but I do know I canceled my planned morning trip to a gun shop and an afternoon trip to the movies (Boy's In The Boat) due to the increased/profound cold.
You would think "inland", like I am here (SW Montana), the weatherfolks could be a little more accurate?
Come on spring!
Hold into the wind