I know there is opposition to Vivek because he is East Indian by ethnicity and probably Hindu. That doesn't bother me in the least if he will put AMERICA FIRST and stop all this foreign military adventurism and race baiting. The only foreign military adventures we need is keeping the sea trade open and killing anyone or any nation that interferes with that. And that includes keeping the trade routes open for everybody, even nations that don't like us. As Ron Paul says "sanctions lead to war". That is what happened in the Pacific and set off WW2.

Not supporting Vivek reminds me of what my neighbor told me when we were working with one of our local assistant D.A.s to get a neighborhood thief sent to prison. I told my neighbor the prosecutor is homo. He replied "I don't care if he's a giraffe, I want him to put this piece of **** in prison".

That is about the way I feel about Vivek if his political doctrine is sound.

If our own Indian Mr. Bobby Jindal runs I would vote for anyone besides him.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Hebrew Roots Judaizer