Good evening to you sir, I hope you all are having the winter you need and can live with down there and you're all well.

I too enjoyed his music over the years and also hopes he RIP.

When my good wife got home tonight, we were briefly chatting about the day and she'd heard a blurb on the radio news regarding how he'd made a lot of his wealth not only through singing but as a restauranteur, starting his own record label and real estate investments as well.

Not that money is everything for sure Morewood, but I also note he and his wife married in '85 and he fully adopted her daughter. They also had two kids together and if any of them are in the news very often I've missed it.

Anyways sir, being married to someone for nearly 40 years and having a hand at raising 3 seemingly productive replacements, well that's not nothing, as some BC rednecks such as myself might say.

All the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"