Originally Posted by sidewinder72
Four new board members will not change anything. The others will roll right over them and never look back. It is a corrupt board that has enabled Wayne all along with their blessings. They need a new board with all new people to rid of the old ways, until then more of the same.
To a certain extent you are correct. Four board members out 76 cannot outvote the other 72 but maybe 4 loud mouthed malcontents can expose the wrong doing that goes on in secret executive sessions and steadily beat the drum of reform and most importantly embarrass the hell out of the rats running the show with the exposure of their misfeasance.

We have until April 28th to return our ballots. Let's hang on while. Never can tell, some more good guys may surface. Whatever you do, DON'T vote for Carolyn Meadows and do consider voting for anyone that supports ousting interim CEO Andrew Arulanandam who has backed Wayne LaPierre and was Wayne's handpicked successor. Considering his unwavering support of Mr. Lapierre I don't blame Wayne for putting him in charge but we cannot afford to have a CEO intent on covering up the malfeasance that most surely exists.

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Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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