I use the ESP digital plugs. They are custom fit and very comfortable. No problem for a full day in a duck boat. Now the rest of the story.

For me, they do not protect well enough for range use with rifles or handguns. They work very well with shotguns in a duck boat and I wear them big game hunting. Like many here, I ruined my hearing with gunfire as a young man and now have hearing aids. When hunting I remove my hearing aids and put in my ESP plugs and I can hear well and am protected reasonably well from the occasional rifle shot. For repetitive rifle or handgun shots they do not protect me well enough. My go to range protection is Mack's Ear Seals.

I have done a fair bit of digging on the subject of electronic ear plugs and I have yet to learn of any that really protect from handgun and rifle report. I would be a buyer of another set of electronic ear plugs if they really protect as well as the Mack's do.
