Yes, him am. My ol' buddy Swoop Doggy Dogg kicked the bucket last night. He was the ranch Rap Star. I named him Swoop Doggy after the rapper snoop. His horns swooped down and forward and he wasn't afraid to rap the [bleep] outta you with them. I was the only one who could hand feed him without getting swatted. He knew right where the points were, as he could see them at all times. Most have to lower their head to swat ya, but he could keep you in his sights the whole time. Even so, I liked the ol' bastid. He didn't show up on the feedyard this morning so I had to go looking for him. Appears he laid down and couldn't get up. Dug some pretty good divits with his head and legs trying to get up. Dead when I found him, so I chopped his head off and drug him to the dead pile for the coyotes. Will get his head euro'ed like Captain Jack and hang him in the barn. The other big steer is in poor flesh also, and I really expected he would be the first to go...... Sad day, as I sure get attached to my critters.....

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Here he is in his prime, 14 years ago when he was 7.
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