Thanks Kid! I always value your expert opinions! I sought & found one on the Internet. Large ring but with the same striker group design with simplified bolt shroud minus conventional mauser striker safety altogether. Sounds as you describe. Utilizing a Greener pattern in-stock rotating safety, trigger impinging. A small ring sporter edition would be much more interesting to me. I like those models where converted for their typical slimness in lightweight sporter configurations.

My ovreall impression of the Google result I saw was of a milsurp rework done well but nothing spectacular. As far as the DWM action specimen, frankly it seems to me you can only get so-much mileage from such a build. "Commercial action" as about the same, as noted, the 1909 Argentine Model. In assessing the "package", likely I'd look more at the overall presentation; "the product", than ping on "commercial" or as if here, on rarity. What I see in the subject rifle pix is something akin to the Brno Model 21 and frankly, I'd prefered it for the package it is. To have a specimen of the Schmidt; 'at the right price', but not a premium hinging on "commercial" as here.
"Varying collector appeal!"
Thanks for your input!