"A weekend has passed since FJB resumed his insults at the SOTU.

Everybody who matters (and a fair number who don’t) weighed in, and the scales are tipping very much against the president.

Actually, apart from the lies, fabrications, inventions, and poppycock, the old fornicator did O.K. if you tally up his “didn’ts”: Didn’t fall down. Didn’t wander across the stage looking lost. Didn’t shake hands with the Invisible Man. Didn't commit a Swalwell in front of the whole world.

That we know of.

On a brighter note, he also didn't whisper naughty things to an appointee’s wife. Or treat us to another hair-sniffing or feeling up a little girl. Maybe Joe has moved on from performance art?"



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.