Originally Posted by MOGC
Originally Posted by JefeMojado
I hate to step in a pile of someone elses advice, but Ive been in the pistol shooting game for 35 years competitively, so its hard to bite my tongue sometimes. I would advise almost opposite, I use and teach the squared up technique, toes forward, feet as close to possible at shoulder width, no bent arms, not arrow straight, but no weaver type bending of support hand arm, both of equal bend, slight lean forward, nose over toes with very firm grip on handgun and go to shooting. Shooting should be with purpose, but the stance should be comfortable not wound up tight, face the target just like your talking to someone, head up not down between your shoulders like a turtle or tilting, just natrual.
I almost hate to click the post reply button, I just couldn't hep myself.

You're spot on, that's good advice and there are plenty of good instructional videos around to get a good visual of what that looks like. Jim, great job taking the young man out and letting him experience several guns and form an opinion of his own. The 365 is a great choice, he has good taste in a working carry gun. It's great to see a young man doing man stuff.

I am terrible when we go out shooting.

When we shoot shotguns I want to buy them a dozen different models.

Same with rifles and 22s.

Driving away from the haystack today I told him he might like a 365 Macro.

Probably a good thing I have my money tied up in land.

Thanks though. It was a good afternoon.

I am MAGA.