Originally Posted by Raeford
"And the ship hailed mayday and indicated a possible collision before this video. Even if it was just 10 minutes before the start of this video, that's enough time for authorities to block entrance to the bridge on both sides. While the ship is clearly at fault, I have to place additional blame on the port authority for continuing to allow vehicles to cross the bridge."

That assumes assets in place[on the ready] to block both directions.

We're talking about a .gov entity here.

Yes, yes, yes, we are dealing with .gov here. So full sentiment on your thoughts. A quick thinking captain, harbor pilot, coast guard...could have called 911 and said block the bridge entrances with cop cars, fire trucks, garbage trucks, anything that a city had on the local streets that time of night. Watching it happen reminds me of the Austin Powers seen where he runs from the steamroller. Clearly this wasn't a super sudden situation and there was time to put some safety provisions in place. Geez, if the blocked just one side the bridge, that would be half as many people involved.